DEVICE/PEOPLE DATA,, Attribute Name,Attribute Description,Sample anonymous_id,Anonymous ID of the device. Unique ID persistant for a device.,a264e175d4b1731a6969dee6f9e692e7 id_type,GAID: Android devices / IDFA: Apple devices,0 gender,male/female.Inferred demography based on real world behaviour,Male age,Age declared by the user.,1977 carrier,Comma separated array of device Telco Carriers. Atmost 2 per device,"ooredoo, bharti airtel" make,Device Manufacturer Brand Name,Samsung model,Device model number assigned by the device manufacturer,sm-n950f os,Device Os Name,Android os_version,OS Version,7.1.1 home_country,ISO3 Country Code for the country where the device is seen most of the time.,IND home_geohash,Home location resolved to a granularity of geohash7. Dimension - 152.9m x 152.4m,w21zgyj work_geohash,Work location resolved to a granularity of geohash7. Dimension - 152.9m x 152.4m,w21zghy device_price,Price of the device in USD,1159 device_age,Based on the launch date of devices. Calculated in years.,2 affluence,"Affluence is the output of a classification algorithm based on device price, brand affinity and residential area using inferred home location. Values: High, Medium, Low",High brands_visited,"Array of brand segment names, based on the real world movement of devices","Zara Visitors, Indian Oil, Visitors Shell Visitors, The French Loaf Visitors." place_categories,Array of place Category segments based on Factori's place category taxonomy,"Petrol Station Visitors,Restaurant Visitors,Hospitals, Clinics And Medical Centers Visitors,Commercial Building Visitors" geo_behaviour,Array of Geo Behavioural Personas as per Factori’s real world persona taxonomy,"Parents,Automobile Owners,In-market Property Buyers,DIY Enthusiasts,Tourist Diners,Frequent Mall Shoppers" interests,"Array of interest based segments, based on iab’s classification of online content (iab taxonomy)","Technology & Computing,Arts & Entertainment,Music and Audio,Computer Networking,Health & Fitness" travelled_countries,Array of countries visited by the user in the past 3 months. Values in ISO3 code of countries,"THA,QAT,SAU"